Thursday, November 6, 2008


Happy Birthday Mom!!!!

Below is a picture of my Birthday Gift to my Mom
and for those of you that know her understand
that she absolutely LOVED this Clock!

I told her it was her "Countdown to Retirement Clock": In regards to the "Whatever." I feel that this is a time to bring up again how, as I pointed out to Mom, that her favorite word is in the Bible and we can now put this into perspective with the results of the election: whatever broken, however unlikely, Jesus can fix it.

Onto another subject got some good news - found someone to rent out my house! woohoo! ...And the kicker is that it is my neighbors daughter that I've known the whole time that I've lived here so I know that she is reliable and if not I can tell her Dad on her. lol. I'm sooooo Excited!!!! She is currently in a place that she will need out around the beginning of the year so the time table will be around the same time, unless I happen upon a job prior to then and need to get out to NC sooner then will figure something out.
I'm hoping I can slowly pack and wait for Mom's clock above to keep on tickin so she can come help me, heck, she'll need something to do once she's retired, right? ;o)

It's starting to feel like Justin and I are actually married & Military - we are officially signed up with USAA now! Woohoo let's get us some discounts! We've only gotten the checking account as of today but I'm now checking into switching my auto and homeowners insurance just as soon as I can. It's just nice to actually be able to get the discounts that are deserved.

It's also official that I am all Addison now, got my Driver's License in the mail so all legal identification has been received.

Now, if I can just become roommates with my Husband, it will almost be as if I have one? (at least while he is not deployed)

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