Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Answered Prayer...

So, after a long afternoon of sitting in a 3 hour Unemployment Orientation Class and trying to stay awake, I was in a hurry to get home to do, um, well, nothing. lol.
Upon returning home, I checked my mail and low and behold there was a letter from none other than Reflections on Spring Creek. I thought to myself, ok this was really fast after the letter sent from the Attorney General's Office, so either they are fighting me in regards to the Deposit or they are giving in. I was rather nervous to open it....but I did. First thing I see is a Check made payable to me in the amount of $1000 with memo of "Deposit for Oct Wedding" and below is just a bit of the letter:
"It has always been and will always be our policy with active military personnel, that a full refund be given when military obligations cause a wedding postponement. Several refunds were sent out in the month of August and yours was among those refunds. Please find enclosed a check for the return of your original deposit of $1000. We hope this delay has not been a burden to you and we also pray for your husband-to-be, that the Lord will keep him in the palm of his Hand and return him safely to you."

There was also a handwritten "P.S. I thought you might enjoy Rick Warren's handout. I found it very comforting in difficult times." - Kind of ironic since I love Rick Warrens sermons and get is daily devotionals emailed to me.

This letter was sent from Penny Story, the wife and co-owner of Mike Story, the Army Veteran and owner of the Venue. I guess it does pay to contact your Local and State Representatives as my dad has always taught me to do, as that is why they are elected into office to help us and obviously, state and point here, they do help when asked.

As I also stated prior, I really was happy with this Venue, just not with the fact that they did not want to pay this deposit back due to Military cancellation. So, I am thinking I could now refer them again as long as they continue to support the Military and I believe after this they may just add a Military Clause to their Contract, ya think?

All I know is that the Attorney General’s Office will be getting a Special Thank You Card on Behalf of a Paratrooper and his Wife.

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