Monday, December 22, 2008

Hard 2 Handle Christmas Party

My Sunday Pool Team is "Hard 2 Handle" and the Captain is Janet and she arranged our Team to have a Christmas Party at her house on Saturday, 12-20. She had a surprise for us to go somewhere and only a few of us knew where we were going. Then we went outside and there was a bus...I already knew we were getting a bus, but I pictured a short bus (yeah, I know I short bus)...but this was a big ol' Charter Bus like what a Band has so we were like Rock Stars! It was AWESOME!!! We had our own Bathroom! That's great for as many women that we had!

Then we were all given Santa Hats that lit up and we went to Grand Prairie's Parade of Lights and this place was sooooo cool!! We drove through what seemed like miles of lights that were organized so perfect! And then there was a stopping point where we got out and they had a Carasoul and Tent with lots of goodies for sale - Just really got us all in the Christmas Spirit!! And this story would NOT be complete if I do not tell you about Sally getting the Santa out of the Corny Dog line (yes Santa was NOT at the North Pole, he was at the Corny Dog stand) just to come take a picture with US!!! Boy, I sure hope we stay on his "NICE" list!!! ;o)

We also found out later (once I asked Joseph to turn on the Cowboys game) that our Bus Driver was a Former Dallas Cowboys Player! I cannot for the life of me remember his last name, but I know it is Ron....something...I will find out. So, it was alot of fun to watch the game with him, but it would've been alot more fun if the Cowboys would've been in the mood to actually play some football on this the last Game at TX Stadium. Ok, I'm gonna get back to the Party and not stay on this subject...

When we got back to Janet's house it was time to eat!!! Everyone was recruited to bring a different dish so there was alot of good food! And since we all know what a great cook I am, you can only imagine what a yummy dessert I brought! Thank Goodness I had the Perfect Dish to put it in too, and I even had a sticker with the ingredients, just in case anyone had any allergies or anything, ya know I am just considerate like that. ;o)

The gift exchange was very entertaining as it was Secret Santa, however you wrapped your gift in white paper and only put the person's name on it. Then all the gifts were placed in middle of table. Janet would hand the gift (one at a time) to a person and they would open and have 3 guesses to see if they could figure out who was their Secret Santa. If not they had to wait until after everyone else guessed before they could try again, so we had to pay attention (well, not Sherry - ha) to everyone's guesses to see who was guessed and no guess them. It was so much fun!!

Anyway, it was a GREAT PARTY and we have an AWESOME Captain to Thank for that as she is always a gracious Hostess and she once again went above and beyone in this Team Christmas Party.

I had to cut out early due to having to drive to Missouri really early the following a.m. to meet my Husband at my Parents or Lord only knows how late I would've been there!!!


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