Wednesday, February 11, 2009

And then there was Unpacking...

So, In case you don't remember...My Mom & I had everything packed how we liked it and then were advised that the Army was going to come and repack. Well, what they did was just put what we did into their boxes. What I found out once starting to unpack was that they combined Kitchen, bedroom, Christmas, etc all into one box marked Christmas or whatever.

So, I had advised Justin to have all of the Christmas boxes just placed out into the Storage shed. Once I had unpacked all of the boxes and realized half my kitchen utensils were not there I had to go through all of the boxes in Shed.

This made for ALOT of unpacking and then re-packing of the Christmas ornaments/decorations and storing them back out in the Storage Shed.
We brought the Bedframe with us from Dallas, however, we left all of the Hardware to put it together, duh! So, we will have to get that in order to put it together. Details, eh?

You'll see here some of the Bedroom stuff, however, my clothes boxes are hidden in the closet. ;o)
Justin was kind enough to take the upstairs closet knowing that this would not be enough room for the both of us.

Justin's main duty was to get in touch with Direct TV, I had made the appointment for them to be there between 12-4 but they got there at 11...when are they ever early??? So, they got there before I did with the receivers. They did what they needed to do as it was easy since there was already a dish, but when we hooked it up, we didn't have any channels...AND it was Super Bowl Sunday...Not Good...But Justin got it to work after walking through it with Direct TV.
However, I do have to say that he didn't get the remote to work, he put in new batteries and it just wouldn't work. I finally played with it later and realized that the batteries were in upside down, I put them in correct and guess what, it worked!!! HOOAH.

Justin, Brittany & James went to the grocery store and by the time they got back I had the living room somewhat organized.

It was really driving me crazy that we didn't have any area with no boxes, so I took care of that.

This is the point that I say that I am definitely my Mother's Daughter, as I knew I had it in me, but it really showed on this day. ;o)

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