Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat???

It's a weird feeling here at work, there are poker games being played, and beer being drank and the little ones up here in costume (kids of co-workers, not actual employees) - it is all still rather surreal to me.

With today being the final day of my work here in Texas, it has given me time to reflect on how this will be such a positive thing in my life. Although being without a job totally sucks, the good thing is that with severance and unemployment I will be able to get ready to move and be with my Husband in North Carolina! It's long over due and I'm so ready to make the new start and new life.

I know that I have my plans set on what I want to do and I just hope that all of my fellow co-workers have just as much luck on their future plans as well!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly, Congratulations on your marriage to an awesome US Army soldier! Sorry to hear about your job ending - I pray God brings you an even better job with more pay and opportunity. Anyway, wanted to say hi! I am now a follower so I can keep up with your travels and life as an ARMY WIFE!!!
